When You Breathe, by Diana Farid
(Cameron + Kids, 2020)
This picture book is a lovely hymn to the biology and poetry of breathing. From publicity materials for the book: “In this beautiful book, breath—the very air, stardust, the grand molecules of the universe—blossoms in the upside-down tree in your rising chest, animating and enlivening you. And when you breathe out, you send your song out into the world.”
The backgrounds in these illustrations are gouache paintings, with imagery made from collage, cyanotype, and mixed media.

Cover for When You Breathe, by Diana Farid

Endpapers for When You Breathe

When you Breathe, Spread 1

When you Breathe, Spread 2

When you Breathe, Spread 3

When you Breathe, Spread 4

When you Breathe, Spread 5

When you Breathe, Spread 6

When you Breathe, Spread 7

When you Breathe, Spread 8

When you Breathe, Spread 9

When you Breathe, Spread 10

When you Breathe, Spread 11